Just like that. It separates *what* was said from *who* said it, so it's outside the quotation marks. It depends on the sentence you are constructing, but I would have a hard time imagining quote marks outside American brackets. Marks of Punctuation used with Quotation Marks. Periods and commas always go inside quotation marks.) Chicago: Periods and commas always go inside quotation marks. The exclamation mark is part of what was said (or, rather, *how* it was said), so it is inside the quotation marks. When an exclamation point follows a quoted text, put it before the closing quotation mark if it applies just to the quoted text. Put the exclamation point outside the closing quotation mark if it applies to the entire sentence. The same rules apply for exclamation marks. What is the rule for placing the period and comma inside or outside of the closing quotation mark? The words "accept" and "except" are frequently confused. Single Quotation Marks. AP: All … : She yelled, “Fire!” (The exclamation point goes on the inside because this makes a statement about an exclamation.) Here are some sample sentences with exclamation points: The exclamation mark ( ! ) he exclaimed. William Strunk, Jr., and E. B. Marks outside of quotes get hit first. A question mark, exclamation point, or dash is placed within the quotation marks when it is part of the quoted material. Otherwise it is placed outside the quotation marks. Punctuation marks such as periods, commas, and semicolons should appear after the parenthetical citation. Q Quotation marks. When the exclamation point is used in the greater context of the sentence, though, it should be placed outside the quotation marks. Read it thoroughly and refer to it often. Words used as words are usually set off by the use of italics or underlined to indicate italics. Overall, you can stick to this basic rule: question marks and exclamation points go inside quotation marks if they are a part of the quoted matter. b. Colons and semicolons ALWAYS go outside quotation marks. You might ask, “Like this?” Yup. So, if it represents your strong emotion, put the exclamation point outside the quotation marks. Whenever you encounter one of the situations above, just pause for a moment to think about whether the punctuation mark applies to the overall sentence or to the quoted material (or both). If it is part of the quotation itself, we put it inside the quotation marks, and if it governs the sentence as a whole but not the material being quoted, we put it outside the quotation marks. Do Intext citations go at the end of a sentence MLA? Punctuation inside or outside of quotation marks is one of those differences. When writing a divided quote with ONE sentences, where do the commas go in the sentence? White, writing in 1959, noted that “[t]ypographical usage dictates the comma be inside the marks, though logically it seems not to belong there” (36). Whether a question mark or an exclamation point should appear inside or outside the quotation marks depends on the meaning. If the question is not part of the direct quote, it goes outside. British and US usage of punctuation with inverted commas is the same for question marks, exclamation marks, colons and semicolons but varies for commas and full stops. Well, when it comes to quotation marks, double or single, and where to put punctuation marks in relation to quotes, outside or inside, there are two systems: the British and the American. Should punctuation go inside or outside quotation marks? In other words, in the predigital era, when fonts were fixed-width, setting a period or comma outside the quotation marks would have created an unsightly gap: Read an overhead or computer-projected copy of the dialogue example with your class. In this case, it completely depends upon the logic. The comma still separates the dialogue tag from the spoken words, but it is outside the quotation marks, and the period is inside the quotation marks. The way I learned it, which is not the only valid way, is to put commas and full stops (periods) inside quotation marks even if they were not there in the original passage being quoted. However, if you are using MLA formatting and you have a citation at the end of your sentence the … Do not use an exclamation point in academic writing unless it already exists in a quotation. Exclamation Point/Question Mark When the whole sentence except for the section enclosed in quotation marks is a question or exclamation, the question or exclamation mark goes outside the quotation mark. So, the British rule is – place the comma and period inside the quotation marks if they are part of the quoted material, otherwise place them outside. It depends. Use quotation marks to set off words used as words. Rule – The placement of question marks with quotations follows logic. Americans differentiate brackets from parentheses. You’ll also never double-up on punctuation. Explanation: According to AP style, a question mark is inside quotation marks if that part is the question and outside the quotation marks if the whole sentence is a question. If a sentence seems to call for both a period and an exclamation point or both a period and a question mark, use only the exclamation point or question mark, respectively. In all forms of English, question marks and exclamation points are placed either inside or outside the quotation marks depending on whether they apply to the whole sentence or only to the quoted material. But the rules for the question mark, exclamation mark, colon and semicolon are the same in both the American and British systems. I see that it says here, “Use a colon and a space to separate a title from a subtitle, unless the title ends in a question mark or an exclamation point. A question mark or exclamation point may go inside or outside the quotation mark, depending on whether it’s part of the original quotation. o Exception: If the question or exclamation mark punctuates the sentence as a whole, the question mark or exclamation mark falls outside the quotation marks. Question marks can vary depending if the question is part of the quote, then the punctuation mark goes inside the quotation marks. As you might guess from our name, APA Style uses American style punctuation (see p. 92 of the 6th ed. If it is, then the question mark or exclamation point stays inside the end quotation mark. A plain exclamation mark on a road sign (rarely used in the US) is a warning to be alert for danger ahead. Commas And Quotation Marks Inside Or Outside Punctuation Worksheets Quotation Marks Quotation Marks Rules Quotations . White, writing in 1959, noted that “[t]ypographical usage dictates the comma be inside the marks, though logically it seems not to belong there” (36). (The exclamation point goes on the outside because the whole sentence is an exclamation.) Here is an example: The professor said, “Read the article entitled ‘How to Grow Hydroponic Tomatoes. I … Exclamation Marks. You may have realized that I didn't include rules for using semicolons, colons, dashes, and parentheses with quotation marks. Grammarbook.com has more information about quotation marks and punctuation. If it … Place them inside the quotation marks if the quoted material is a question or an exclamation: Marcus asked, “Have you seen my Shih Tzu?” Samina exclaimed, “You made lamb stew again!” When the words spoken convey strong emotion, excitement, or emphasis, but the sentence itself does not, the exclamation mark goes inside the closing quotation mark. Single quotation marks are only used when you have to put quotation marks inside quotation marks. In the British system, primary quotation marks are single, while quotations within quotations, are double. The placement of punctuation relative to a closing quotation mark is surprisingly complex. Here the question is outside the quote. If the quotation is a question or exclamation, put the question mark or exclamation point inside the quotation marks. If the sentence within the quotes is a question, then the question mark goes inside the quotes as well. Place commas and periods inside quotation marks, e.g., The Court’s answer to this was “no.” 2. If the entire sentence is an exclamation, but the quoted words aren’t, put the exclamation point outside the quotation marks. Exclamation points appear inside quotation marks, parentheses, or brackets when part of the quoted material: He … The main problem that people have with using quotes is also a fundamental one: does the period at the end of the quote go inside or outside of the quotation marks? Use a comma, period, question mark, etc., but don’t use two of those in a row. Do you agree with the saying, “All’s fair in love and war”? When a semicolon or a colon appears at the end of a quotation, put it outside the quotation mark: followed by a subtitle). “Shall we meet for lunch at ten?”. However, if the quoted material does not contain the question mark or exclamation point, then it should appear outside the quotation marks. ; Chicago Manual Style. These rules have no exceptions. Question marks and exclamation points may go inside or outside the closing quotation marks. In other words, in the predigital era, when fonts were fixed-width, setting a period or comma outside the quotation marks would have created an unsightly gap: This is the same as American usage, too! If a statement ends in a quoted question, allow the question mark within the quotation marks suffice to end the sentence. But this depends on the situation. 2) Sometimes inside the quotation marks and sometimes outside the quotation marks: question marks and exclamation marks. Unfortunately, the rules governing whether to place punctuation inside or outside quotation marks are not straightforward and they depend on whether you are following US or UK writing conventions. Publication Manual), as do several other major style guides (such as AP, Chicago, and MLA).The table below elaborates, with examples for each punctuation mark. Does the footnote go inside or outside the quotation mark? Full stops go outside the quote, but exclamation points or question marks that are part of the quoted material go inside. (The same rule applies to exclamation marks and dashes. The exclamation mark or exclamation point is a punctuation mark usually used after an interjection or exclamation to indicate strong feelings or high volume (shouting), and often marks the end of a sentence. They go inside when the question or exclamation is part of what is quoted. Here’s the basic rule. Ted asked Mary. In American English, periods go inside quotation marks. (In such a circumstance, it’s okay to drop the period from the quotation.) A question mark or exclamation point may go inside or outside the quotation mark, depending on whether it’s part of the original quotation. If If it is a phrase or a word, people tend to use question mark and exclamation mark outside the quotes. Place Question and Exclamation Marks Where They Fit Logically. A kind of pecking order of punctuation marks takes over: other marks are stronger than a period and an exclamation mark is usually stronger than a question mark. If the exclamation is part of a quotation, put the exclamation point inside the quotes. Together, let’s explore some dialogue examples. Even though the semicolon is present in the sentence quoted, it should not be in the quotation. c. Question marks and exclamation marks go EITHER inside or outside the quotation mark depending on the situation. He called, ‘Who goes there?’ The voice replied, ‘It is I!’ However, enclosing them in quotation marks is also acceptable. Question marks and exclamation points. Pay particular attention to the rules governing whether periods, commas, semi-colons, question marks, exclamation points, and so forth go inside or outside the quotation marks. Marks of Punctuation used with Quotation Marks. Publication Manual), as do several other major style guides (such as AP, Chicago, and MLA).The table below elaborates, with examples for each punctuation mark. Otherwise it is placed outside the quotation marks. American and British: The exclamation mark goes after closing quotation marks if it doesn’t belong to the quotation. Footnote or endnote numbers in the text should follow punctuation, and preferably be placed at the end of a sentence. 1) Outside the quotation marks: colons, semicolons, and dashes. If you can eliminate a "duplicate" mark, do it. 4 Answer s. Guillemets (angle quotes) are traditional and still very much in use, but few people object to the use of double quotation marks. If you’re quoting someone else with strong emotions, put the exclamation point inside the quotes. Exclamation mark inside or outside quotation marks? In Australia, Canada, and Great Britain, the punctuation goes outside the quotation marks. Use single quotation marks if one quote appears inside a longer quote. The general rule is that commas and periods should be inside the quotation marks at all times, while all other forms of punctuation, such as question marks, colons, semicolons, and exclamation points, should be outside the quotation marks, unless they were contained in the original quotation. If a questionor exclamationis quoted directly,the quotation contains the question mark or exclamation point. If the question or exclamation is at the end of the quotation, the question mark or exclamation point comes beforethe closing quotation mark . Any other sort of punctuation, though, falls outside the quotation marks. When quotation marks enclose the title of a work (such as the title of a song) that ends with a question mark or an exclamation point, insert a comma before the closing quotation mark if the title is followed by a nonrestrictive element (that is, an element that needs to … 500. (The same rule applies to exclamation marks and dashes. Examples will help. If the exclamation point is part of the quotation, put it inside the closing quotation mark, and do not add any other punctuation. Ex. sparingly. Hey! Periods always go inside all quotation marks. When removing extraneous marks, work from the outside inward. Exclamation points relative to other punctuation. Periods and commas always go inside quotation marks.) Explanation: According to AP style, a question mark is inside quotation marks if that part is the question and outside the quotation marks if the whole sentence is a question. Warning signs on highways come before the "hazard," but question marks are placed at the end. May 16, 2018 — –The period and the comma always go within the quotation marks. Place all other punctuation marks outside quotation marks, unless they are logically parts of the quotation. Colons and semicolons should be outside the quotation marks. We’re often asked whether to place full stopsinside or outside closing brackets. If the question or exclamation is at the end of the quotation, the question mark or exclamation point comes before the closing quotation mark. Go over the general rules on using quotation marks with other punctuation marks. Phillip asked, "Do you need this book?" 500. A question mark, exclamation point, or dash is placed within the quotation marks when it is part of the quoted material. If the question is not part of the direct quote, it goes outside. Here, the exclamation point is used to emphasize the man’s words; it’s pertinent to the dialogue rather than the action, and therefore is placed before the closing quotation mark. Question marks and exclamation points should appear within the quotation marks if they are a part of the quoted passage, but after the parenthetical citation if they are a part of your text. If the whole sentence, including the quotation, is a question or an exclamation, then the question mark or exclamation point goes outside the closing quotation mark; but if only the part inside the quotation marks is a question or exclamation, then the question mark or exclamation point goes inside the closing quotation mark. Correct: Mr. B says that Pamela “may be thawed by kindness” (180). As well when it is single letter or a number inside quotation marks the punctuation goes outside the quotation marks. If a question or exclamation is quoted directly, the quotation contains the question mark or exclamation point. If the question or exclamation is at the end of the quotation, the question mark or exclamation point comes before the closing quotation mark. If your sentence is a question, place the question mark outside the quotation marks. If the quote is a question or exclamation, the punctuation mark goes inside the quotation marks. Correct: Mr. B says that Pamela “may be thawed by kindness” (180). If a question is in quotation marks, the question mark should be placed inside the quotation marks. For instance, He said, “I’m going to the mall.”. … This rule applies regardless of whether the punctuation mark is … “That’s inconceivable!” Jim said before leaving the room. Periods and commas always go inside quotation marks. All punctuation goes inside the quotation marks, including commas, periods, question marks, and exclamation points. I'm wondering what to do when a question inside quotation marks is the first half of a title (i.e. Does the comma go after but? 3. Even though the semicolon is present in the sentence quoted, it should not be in the quotation. 3. These quotation marks are meant to set the dialogue apart from the narration, which is written as standard text. As you might guess from our name, APA Style uses American style punctuation (see p. 92 of the 6th ed. A question mark is only placed inside of single quotation marks if the quote within a quote is a question. When TYPING the title of a book, how should it be written? Their position inside or outside quotation marks depends upon their position and function in the sentence. If your quote is a question, place the question mark inside the quotation marks. Our Rule 8 of Commas says, “Use commas to set off the name, nickname, term of endearment, or title of a person directly addressed.” Therefore, write “Hurry up, Aunt Beverly!” But the rules for the question mark, exclamation mark, colon and semicolon are the same in both the American and British systems. When citing the source for a quotation, the number should be placed at the end of the quotation and not after the author’s name if that appears first in the text. 5. Here is a summary of the more-detailed table below: A question mark or exclamation mark at the end of dialogue always goes inside the quotation marks. PLACEMENT OF PUNCTUATION WHEN USING QUOTATION MARKS Punctuation placed inside quotation marks Periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation marks are enclosed within quotation marks. In the U.S., all punctuation goes to the left of the closing quotation marks. Punctuation full stop before or after quotation marks. 4. Your exclamation points and quotation marks are correct; however, you missed one comma in the first sentence. Place the punctuation outside the closing quotation marks if the punctuation applies to the whole sentence. Examples: *Place other punctuation inside quotation marks when that punctuation is part of what is being quoted, such as a quoted question. Quotation marks and exclamation marks. If at all possible, move mark to inside the quotes but never change the meaning of the quoted section. After the first part of the quotation, within the quotation marks and after the speaker tag before the second part of the quotation. The exclamation mark at the end of the first statement is sufficient end punctuation. Dan said, “I think you’re wrong”; he was asking us to re-examine our information. (The same rule applies to exclamation marks and dashes. https://punctuationmarks.org/exclamation-mark-exclamation-point Titles Ending in Question Marks Or Exclamation Points in Your Prose Periods and commas always go inside quotation marks:. If the question or exclamation is at the end of the quotation, the question mark or exclamation point comes beforethe closing quotation mark. William Strunk, Jr., and E. B. Do you put a comma after dialogue? You should probably follow me.” 1. AP Style. Periods go at the end of declarative sentences, question marks go at the end of interrogative sentences, and Do commas go inside quotation marks? If the words inside the parentheses form a complete sentence, then place the terminal punctuation inside the parentheses. 2. is used to mark an exclamation. Minimize the amount of punctuation visible. However, if the material inside the parenthesis requires a concluding punctuation mark like an exclamation point or question mark (but not a period! Question marks and exclamation points can go either inside or outside of the end quotation marks, depending on whether the punctuation mark itself is part of the quotation. Single quotation marks are used to mark a quote within a quote or a direct quote in a news story headline. Whether these punctuation marks go inside or outside quotation marks depends on context. Question marks can vary depending if the question is part of the quote, then the punctuation mark goes inside the quotation marks. In Australia, Canada, and Great Britain, the punctuation goes outside the quotation marks. The dash, the semicolon, the colon, the question mark and the exclamation .... AP has an entire chapter on punctuation. In italics. If it … This latter sort of thing … If the entire sentence is a question however, then put the question mark at the end of the sentence instead. '” Notice how the period at the end goes before both the single quotation mark and the regular (double) quotation mark. When a semicolon or a colon appears at the end of a quotation, put it outside the quotation mark: Does Dr. Lim always say to her students, "You must work harder"? 500. However, this is not the case for all end punctuation marks. Which British writer wrote, "Ask not for whom the bell tolls"? She asked, “Will you still be my friend?”. Punctuation inside or outside of quotation marks is one of those differences. She said, “He loved you.” Single line of dialogue with dialogue tag and action The dialogue is enclosed in quotation marks. The comma is not part of what was said but is part of the surrounding sentence. So, the British rule is – place the comma and period inside the quotation marks if they are part of the quoted material, otherwise place them outside. Question marks and exclamation points should appear inside the quotation marks if they are part of the quoted material. However, this is not always the case with exclamation points and question marks. Periods and commas always go inside quotation marks.) The British call them, respectively, square brackets and brackets. ), that mark is placed inside the closing mark even though another mark is outside it. Question Marks or Exclamation Points in Quotations If a questionor exclamationis quoted directly,the quotation contains the question mark or exclamation point. As a rule, you should: 1. No other punctuation is needed outside the quotation marks. These marks are stronger than the period and take its place. The period is unique among punctuation marks in that, yes, it always goes inside the quotation marks. British and US usage of punctuation with inverted commas is the same for question marks, exclamation marks, colons and semicolons but varies for commas and full stops. The major French punctuation marks are easily recognizable: there’s le point (period), la virgule (comma), les deux-points (colon), le point-virgule (semicolon), le point d’exclamation (exclamation point), and le point d’interrogation (question mark). In narratives, when quoting something said by somebody, normally such punctuation is placed inside the quotation marks. And remember, periods and commas always go inside closing quotation marks! Incorrect:"Look at that"! Mar 6, 2017 - This worksheet helps your student understand where to put an exclamation point in relation to quotation marks. You should probably follow me!” The period at the end of the second example belongs inside the quotation marks: “I’m awesome. According to AP style, a question mark is inside quotation marks if that part is the question and outside the quotation marks if the whole sentence is a question. No period is needed outside the quotation marks: “I’m awesome. Did he say, “We’re meeting for lunch at ten”? How to use the exclamation mark with quotation marks. –COLONS– There are three things I liked best about “The Wizard of Oz”: the singing, the costumes, … *Place other punctuation inside quotation marks when that punctuation is part of what is being quoted, such as a quoted question. However, in the third set of examples, the exclamation point is supplied by the writer and is therefore properly placed outside the quotation marks. American and British: The exclamation mark goes before closing quotation marks if it belongs to the quotation. For other punctuation marks, where the closing punctuation goes depends on which idea it refers to (the sentence or the quote). For example: Place a question mark or exclamation point within closing quotation marks if the punctuation applies to the quotation itself. If the quoted words are an exclamation, put the exclamation point inside the quotation marks. Question marks and exclamation points that are part of the quote are included inside quotation marks while those related to the complete sentence are outside. They ask for information or permission; show surprise, dismay, or uncertainty about a piece of information. If a line of dialogue is followed by a dialogue tag, use a comma (or a question mark or exclamation mark) before the closing quotation mark. Marks go EITHER inside or outside the closing quotation marks inside quotation.! Whether these punctuation marks. before the `` hazard, '' but question marks. phillip asked ``... For lunch at ten? ” Yup that Pamela “ may be thawed kindness... As words s inconceivable! ” Jim said before leaving the room book, how should be... 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exclamation mark inside or outside quotation marks 2021