Our group had to show our passports at gunpoint. Under international law there are Israel is occupying the territory of Palestine. Israel is internationally recognised as the occupying power in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. Antisemitism has no place in our cause. Aotearoa New Zealand-sponsored … palestine hamas israel illegal military occupation - today, since 1967, more than 3 million palestinians are under an illegal military occupation by israel. Israel still controls all of historic Palestine and the Golan Heights through an apartheid system upheld by military violence and police dictatorship. The authorities used a range of measures, including raids, incitement campaigns, movement restrictions and judicial harassment, to target human rights defenders who criticized Israel’s continuing military occupation of Palestinian and Syrian territories. Instead, it stems from a settler-colonial movement that has led to the mass expulsion and forced displacement of over 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland between 1947-49, and the subsequent imposition of a military regime that created the occupied territories of Palestine. April 15, 2021. One positive step toward change is H.R. Moreover, the Israeli siege on Gaza remains in place, as well as the Israeli military occupation and the rooted system of apartheid that exists all over Palestine. Yousef Nawaf Mhareb, 17, was killed by Israeli occupation forces. A “ceasefire” in a military occupation is an impossibility. I would like to start by quoting the first and only Palestinian member of Congress, Rashida Tlaib from Detroit. An important element of Israel’s military rule in the occupied West Bank is the Defence (Emergency) Regulations enacted by the British mandate in Palestine in 1945. There is an Israel military occupation that abuses and tortures Palestinian children, demolishes Palestinian homes, and steals Palestinian land.” McCollum was one of … Conflict in Gaza isn’t war, it’s military occupation (Your Letters) An Israeli artillery unit fires toward targets in the Gaza Strip, at the Israel-Gaza border, Saturday, May 15, 2021. Palestinians will continue to suffer the consequences of Zionist colonialism until Israel's original sin is boldly confronted and justly remedied. 'There is no free exchange of ideas when the colonizer uses culture and art as propaganda to whitewash its military occupation, colonization, and apartheid in Palestine," she said. It is important to clarify that our stance against the Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian people is not a stance against the Jewish people. In the video, you can hear the leftists pleading that there is this ‘Israel military occupation that abuses and tortures Palestinian children and homes’. Your US tax dollars are being used to fund a brutal Israeli military occupation of Palestine. The world just witnessed the Israeli military carry out an 11 day assault on Palestinians in Gaza, with devastating consequences. Israel's earliest modern history as a nation begins in 1914 when the Ottoman Empire became part of the Central Powers in the Great War (World War I), and became allied to the German, Austrian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, and Italian forces. The Ottoman Empire (Turkey) had occupied Israel, then called Palestine, for over 400 years. Millions of Palestinians have lived their entire lives under the systemic oppression of Israel’s military occupation. TAKE ACTION – Palestine On April 15, Representative Betty McCollum introduced H.R. Palestine is an issue of freedom, justice, and equality. Yousef Nawaf Mhareb, 17, was killed by Israeli occupation forces. In line with our principles and platform priorities, MPAC supports Palestine’s right to self-determination and advocates for the American principles of human rights, civil liberties, and religious freedom. Military occupation subjects millions of Palestinians to the control—and oppression—of the Israeli state. The structural violence is the military occupation by Israel over Palestinian Territories, which is marked by violations of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law. As pointed out by non-profit The Slow Factory, “a conflict means there is equal footing, which is not the case” in Palestine. At the same time, Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are denied any vote or representation in the government whose decisions daily impact fundamental aspects of their lives. H.R.2590 - Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act. A Palestinian child fills his … In the video, you can hear the leftists pleading that there is this ‘Israel military occupation that abuses and tortures Palestinian children and homes’. Palestinian Liberation Struggle and the Importance of Anti-imperialism. From 1947 to 1950, during the Nakba or “catastrophe”, A “ceasefire” in a military occupation is an impossibility. In the early years of the military’s experimentation with social media, Palestinians living under occupation lacked widespread access to mobile technologies and reliable internet—a digital divide which was itself a byproduct of the military occupation. The significance of the designation of these territories as occupied territory is that certain legal obligations fall on the occupying power under international law. (Photo: via Social Media) A Palestinian teen Monday morning succumbed to the wounds he sustained from Israeli gunfire two months ago, according to medical sources. Israel’s military occupation and its system of apartheid. July 26, 2021 Blog, News, Slider. It is fascinating that the internal military rule of Palestinian-Israelis provided the experience and practices that the officer corps hoped to deploy in the West Bank and Gaza. 2590, Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act. Moreover, the United States regularly prevents the UN Security Council from issuing resolutions or statements that criticize Israel. Illegal military occupation is serious business, and I feared for my own life on more than one occasion. Israel’s Horrid Occupation of Palestine by Vijay Prashad – Arwa Abu Hashhash. Instead of an end to confrontation, Friday’s truce is completely false. Our Largest campaign to date has been targeting Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest private arms manufacturer. As residents, educators, and feminists who are also against the settler colonialism of the U.S., we refuse to normalize or accept the United States’ financial, military… Israel is internationally recognised as the occupying power in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip. This makes it the longest occupation in modern history. Israel then built a separate-and-unequal apartheid regime, a system of privilege for Israeli Jews and a matrix of control and domination for Palestinians. Starting again at noon on Friday, huge demonstrations clashed with the Israeli army in many spots, especially in … The Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act (HR 2590) is a bill I’ve introduced along with 20 courageous colleagues. While Israeli settlers in the occupied territories are subject to civilian courts and receive support from tax-exempt U.S. organizations, Palestinians and their families face additional disproportionate punitive measures for crimes committed or suspected to have been committed, including the demolition of family homes. This report was presented by Joelle Fishman, chair of the Political Action Commission, to the National Board meeting, June 2, 2021. https://al-shabaka.org/memos/in-palestine-covid-19-meets-the-occupation For decades, Israeli governments have defended the 52-year military occupation in the West Bank as necessary for security. May 18, 2021. I observed this cruelty first hand on a recent trip to Palestine. Since the … The Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territories since 1967 and the blockade of the Gaza Strip since 2007 have prevented the Palestinian people … It is Israel attacking the Palestinian people who have been living under their military occupation for 73 years." The Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act (H.R. We must save Sheikh Jarrah, but we must save Gaza as well; we must demand an end to the Israeli military occupation of Palestine and, with it, the dismantling of the complex system of racial discrimination and apartheid. Government Restructured. The world witnessed the brutality of military occupation as Israeli soldiers bombed civilians, apartment buildings, medical facilities, international media offices, and children. In solidarity, we call for the end of Israel's military occupation of Palestine and for the Palestinian right to return to their homes. Today, the UK government approves the sale of weapons, components and military technology to Israel, as well as imports of Israeli-made military technology. Americans must care about what … The bill also addresses the need to cease U.S. funding for Israeli military operations due to its indirect support that violates international human rights laws. An important element of Israel’s military rule in the occupied West Bank is the Defence (Emergency) Regulations enacted by the British mandate in Palestine … 2590) would ensure that U.S. financial assistance provided to Israel is not used to support holding Palestinian children in Israeli military detention or prosecuting them in a military court. Similar to H.R. Military occupation is a tool for colonial Israel; it does not define Israel and should not be exploited by the international community as the means to further deprive Palestinians of their anti-colonial endeavours, as is their political right. The law of occupation, designed to regulate the exceptional and temporary situation in which a foreign military power displaces the lawful sovereign … Caught between military occupation and unemployment, Palestinians continue to work in the Israeli economy without full labour rights 27 November 2020, by Qassam Muaddi, Equal Times It is four in the morning and heavy rain washes the deserted … Israel’s settlement policy is behind the current violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territories. 111 WHEREAS for over seventy years Palestinian people have faced dispossession of their land, 112 displacement from their homes, a harsh military occupation, severe restrictions on travel, the military detention of their children, home demolitions – over113 120,000 to date and the constant … Taking action on Palestine. The military occupation of Palestine and the apartheid system it has created goes back generations before Hamas, therefore it is reasonable to believe that it will continue with or without Hamas unless we and other advocates for human rights around the world stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine and actively work towards its liberation. Radical Leftist Congresswoman Cori Bush, a new member of the “squad”, connected the fight for black lives with the fight for Palestinian liberation. This is not a 'conflict'. Moreover, the resolution reaffirms that: Aotearoa New Zealand-sponsored UNSC Resolution 2334 of December 23, 2016 warns that the status quo, that is, the Israeli military occupation of 5.4 million Palestinians, … Israel’s settlement policy is behind the current violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territories. Radical Leftist Congresswoman Cori Bush, a new member of the “squad”, connected the fight for black lives with the fight for Palestinian liberation. https://www.hrw.org/.../israels-use-draconian-military-orders-repress 111 WHEREAS for over seventy years Palestinian people have faced dispossession of their land, 112 displacement from their homes, a harsh military occupation, severe restrictions on travel, the military detention of their children, home demolitions – over113 120,000 to date and the constant Israeli settler colonization is a disability justice issue that underscores the urgency of abolition and its internationalist dimensions. In-depth: Israel is using advances in biometric technology to facilitate its military occupation, with movement restrictions, policing, and surveillance becoming increasingly digitised. 2590, the Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act, which was introduced by … Photo of May 11 protest in London by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash. Photograph Source: Marcin Monko – CC BY 2.0. Screen Shots is a social biography of state violence on camera, studied from the vantage of the Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian territories. Before the British Mandatefor Palestine, Jews made up approximately 6 percent of the total population. This bill prohibits Israel from using U.S. taxpayer dollars in the Occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem for the military detention, abuse, or ill-treatment of Palestinian children […] The 257 murdered and 72,000 displaced Palestinians alert us to the suffering that fascist militarized states can inflict. From 1947 to 1950, during the Nakba or “catastrophe”, In-depth: Israel is using advances in biometric technology to facilitate its military occupation, with movement restrictions, policing, and surveillance becoming increasingly digitised. More than 250 journalists from several prominent international news organizations published an open letter on Wednesday, June 9, calling for accurate reporting on the atrocities in Palestine and Israeli military occupation. The occupation of the West Bank and Gaza began with the Six Day War of June 1967; in 2017, the occupation becomes 50 years old. In 1974, at the 29 th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Yasser Arafat, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, made his "olive branch" speech, for which he received a standing ovation. The campaign had cost around 750 British military and police lives. We target all companies that are directly complicit in Israel’s ongoing military occupation and subsequent colonization of Palestine and the ethnic cleansing of its people. According to its â€œCommon Principles,” “We oppose U.S. military, diplomatic, financial, corporate, and all other forms of support for Israel’s occupation and apartheid policies toward Palestinians.” “What is happening is settler colonisation, military occupation, land theft, and ethnic cleansing,” the group explained. For the Palestinian people, it means millions of Palestinians will continue to endure dire socioeconomic conditions coupled with an oppressive military occupation that … Yet there remains one area of Palestine advocacy that is still considered taboo, one even progressives often are scared to touch: support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement (BDS) and its call to defund apartheid and military occupation. July 26, 2021 Blog, News, Slider. Congresswoman Betty McCollum (DFL-Minn.), released the following statement today after introducing the Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act, building upon legislation she introduced in the 115th and 116th Congresses to promote the human rights and safety of Palestinian children. With Israel’s establishment in 1948, 750,000 native Palestinians were expelled from their homeland. Instead of an end to confrontation, Friday’s truce is completely false. The clasp ‘Palestine 1945-48’ was added to the General Service Medal and awarded to soldiers who served in Palestine between 27 September 1945 (the date a state of emergency was declared) and 30 June 1948 (when the last British troops departed). Neither is it a 'dispute' nor 'sectarian violence' nor even a war in the traditional sense. Military action has stopped, but the intifada continues — the popular uprising in Palestine and its mainly peaceful, nonviolent demonstrations are ongoing. THE U.S. MUST TAKE THE SIDE OF HUMAN RIGHTS Press Release. Your US tax dollars are being used to fund a brutal Israeli military occupation of Palestine. We write this in support of the Palestinian struggle for freedom, dignity and self-determination. On May 21 at around 2 a.m., a ceasefire concluded 11 days of brutal conflict between Israel and Hamas, an Islamic militant organization. Military occupation of Palestine by Israel Conflict type: Military occupation Israel is occupying the territory of Palestine. (Photo: via Social Media) A Palestinian teen Monday morning succumbed to the wounds he sustained from Israeli gunfire two months ago, according to medical sources. Israel is a U.S. ally and for the past 25 years, Congress has focused on providing Israel security funding while passing resolutions supporting a two-state solution. The Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territories is most of all about land and the hunger for more land. Yet in international law and practice, military occupations … 2590, this bill promotes human rights for Palestinian children living under Israeli military occupation. Palestinian Advocates Say It’s Not A War, But A Military Occupation. AP. For Palestinians, 1967 is a continuation of the 1948 Nakba, as is the military occupation of Palestine. Israel still controls all of historic Palestine and the Golan Heights through an apartheid system upheld by military violence and police dictatorship. The occupied Palestinian territories have been under Israeli military control since 1967. This was the case during Israel’s first bombardment of the Gaza Strip in 2008–2009. The Defending the Human Rights of Palestinian Children and Families Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act would prevent U.S. funds from being used by Israel to oppress the Palestinian people, take their land, bulldoze their homes, and numerous other … Judea was ruled by a Roman procurator who managed its political, military, and fiscal affairs. It is not a conflict, because Israel is an occupying power and the Palestinian people are an occupied nation. Israel could not maintain its occupation of Palestinian lands and persecution of the Palestinian people without U.S. assistance. J une 5, 2018 marks the 51st anniversary of the Israeli Occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. From the outset, some clarification regarding the language used to depict the ongoing violence in occupied Palestine, and also throughout Israel. World powers appear content for the siege to become as permanent as Israel’s military occupation as a whole. We target all companies that are directly complicit in Israel’s ongoing military occupation and subsequent colonization of Palestine and the ethnic cleansing of its people. Our Largest campaign to date has been targeting Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest private arms manufacturer. The occupation of the West Bank and Gaza began with the Six Day War of June 1967; in 2017, the occupation becomes 50 years old. Call for an end to us aid funding the Israeli military occupation. Get alerts. “There is an active oppressor (Israel) and an oppressed (Palestine). The leaders of this new movement are Palestinian youth who have been denied participation in any form of democratic representation, who are constantly marginalized and oppressed by their own leadership and by the relentless Israeli military occupation. Palestinians can’t control their access to water in the occupied territories. Yet in international law and practice, military occupations … Aotearoa New Zealand-sponsored United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolution 2334 of December 23 2016 warns that the status quo—that is, the Israeli military occupation of 5.4 million Palestinians—is not sustainable. Israel’s settlement policy is behind the current violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territories. Our group had to show our passports at gunpoint. The Colonization of Palestine: Rethinking the Term ‘Israeli Occupation’. The U.S. government gives Israel $3.8 billion in military aid annually. Aotearoa New Zealand-sponsored United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolution 2334 of December 23 2016 warns that the status quo—that is, the Israeli military occupation of 5.4 million Palestinians—is not sustainable. In Portland, Palestinian residents told story after story of the generational trauma that has come from the ongoing displacement, and what it would mean to have a stable Palestine without the threat of military or settler violence. Published on Jul 13, 2019. Was Palestine a country before Israel? Israel Becomes a State. In May 1948, less than a year after the Partition of Palestine was introduced, Britain withdrew from Palestine and Israel became an independent state. IJV Calls on Trudeau Government to Forcefully Condemn Anti-Palestinian Violence The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) is a “ national coalition of hundreds of groups working to advocate for Palestinian rights and a shift in US policy.”. No one can ignore the events in Palestine… Disability justice cannot exist under settler colonialism, military occupation, imprisonment and apartheid. Palestinian Prisoners in the Context of Occupation. Elsewhere in Palestine, I came upon a Black Panthers memorial and a museum exhibit dedicated to George Jackson – the struggle for Palestinian freedom has long been international and focused on racial justice. 117th Congress (2021-2022) |. Moreover, the resolution reaffirms that: I observed this cruelty first hand on a recent trip to Palestine. Human Rights Watch on Tuesday accused the Israeli military of carrying out attacks that “apparently amount to war crimes” during an 11-day war against the Hamas militant group in May. “We have to recognize that the Israeli occupation is illegal … there are human rights violations that occur. Technically Israel has taken over Palestine - there is no other sovereignty in the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean sea. There are certain areas under Palestinian control (Gaza and area A in the West Bank) and under civilian Palestinian control (area B of the WB). The Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territories is most of all about land and the hunger for more land. Before the British Mandatefor Palestine, Jews made up approximately 6 percent of the total population. provisional control by a ruling power over a territory, without a claim of formal sovereignty. International law enacted to protect occupied peoples against state violence is being flouted by Israel with impunity - and it's just not sustainable, argue Hanlie Booysen and Nadine Kreitmeyr. Indefinite occupation is illegal in international law– military occupations are only allowed during hostilities and are limited to a single year. Palestinians have the right to live free from fear of military aggression and Israeli occupation. Direct military occupation, as in 1917, when the British forces occupied Palestine and imposed colonial rule on it, in which Europe rejoiced, as Jerusalem fell under Western rule for the first time since October 1187. Israel’s settlement policy is behind the current violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territories. , as is the military occupation of Palestine: Rethinking the Term ‘Israeli Occupation’ an nation. Police dictatorship in international law– military occupations are only allowed during hostilities and are limited to single. To US aid funding the Israeli occupation forces cost around 750 British military and police dictatorship issue of,. ( Palestine ) Israeli military occupation of Palestine by Vijay Prashad – Arwa Abu Hashhash One military occupation palestine step change. 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military occupation palestine 2021