Report Post. Unfortunately for those hoping to work their way to equal pay, the life expectancy for women is only 81-years old. People need to be more open-minded about female sports and get over the belief that they are less entertaining than male sports. The fight is asking for female and male athletes within the same level of teams, who have the same basic workload, responsibilities, and amount of matches, be paid the same basic wage by their sport’s governing body. Fast-forward to 2018 and women have received a 30 percent increase and bonus that, according to the Women’s Media Center, could double some players salaries. "The pay gap for winning a World Cup is extremely big: $36 million for men versus $2 million for women. One of these women was Maria Sharapova who is currently the highest paid female athlete of all time, yet when compared to male athletes she doesn’t even pass the top 25. The work being done isn’t equal, so there’s no discrimination. If you want to see female athletes paid more, go to their games, buy t-shirts, et cetera. The pestering problem needs to be solved because everyone should get what they deserve and gender should never be a barrier. 3. This has meant that many female athletes are often having to have full-time jobs on top of being full-time athletes to survive. Yet equal pay – the most visible manifestation of a genuine commitment to equality – still remains out of reach for elite women athletes across many sports. For example, the US Census Data in 2009 found that when more women entered a profession, average salary decreased. The reason men soccer players make more money than female soccer players is because more people would rather watch men’s soccer than women’s … Women Soccer Players Deserve Equal Pay. A male football game will have more fans than a female football game. Women 16 years and older worked 36 hours per week. The gender pay gap is still a big problem. Women who play tennis hold eight out 10 spots on the Forbes list of highest paid female athletes. It’s a basic principle of fairness: men and women should have the same economic opportunities in life. One of the most popular arguments for paying women less is that men play longer matches than women, and therefore deserve more money. April 2 – Equal Pay Day – marks the day U.S. women have finally earned the same amount of money as the average man did in 2018. Unfortunately, this problem exists around the world in many industrial countries including the United States. Indeed, there are conservative websites and bloggers dedicated to proving that the gender pay gap, itself, is a “myth” for precisely these reasons. Women can't compete on the world stage. Broadcasting companies should take a chance and pay up to claim the rights to women sports. If you don’t bring in enough people to watch and support, why would you expect to pay your players the same compared to another industry who brings in 40 times more people and support? While equal pay for equal work has emerged as a rallying cry in the ongoing struggles of women athletes, equity doesn't always, or even often, mean literal equality across all sports. The argument is that female and male sporting teams, who have the same basic workload, responsibilities and amount of matches, be paid the same basic wage by their sport's governing body. Every major tennis tournament has distributed equal purses to men and women since 2007, when Wimbledon became the last to make pay equal. Still, Steve Smith and a handful of the top ranked male players reportedly earn over A$2 million a season. But this is because they refuse to give women’s sport the same platform. The team ignited a global debate about how female athletes are paid. The USA women’s soccer team—now three-time winners of the Women’s World Cup—made headlines this time around not just for their brilliant performance, but also for what their victory brought to light: the gender pay gap.. Men may be better at some things but women are also very talented at sports as well. Whether it’s Katie Ledecky destroying her competition in the pool, or Maya Moore dominating the basketball court, women are amazing athletes who deserve much more media coverage than they’re getting. -Evelyn L., Grade 8. “Women should be paid equal to men for the work they do. Women can’t compete with men. Not because they aren't talented athletes, but they don't have the drawing power to bring in the kind of money that men do. Recent studies suggested gender equality in football is worse than in politics, business and medicine. Women’s Soccer Doesn’t Deserve Equal Pay. Of course women should be paid equal pay – for equal work. Sen. Jacky Rosen is demanding a congressional hearing on why WNBA players don’t earn as much as players in … But she said the AFL’s gender pay gap was “unfair” and “unreasonable”. Than Men. Should Women Athletes Get Paid The Same As Men Athletes? In tennis, the practice of equal pay pre-dated the debate for equal work. The U.S. Soccer 'Pay Gap' Is About More Than Just Sexism The U.S. women's soccer team deserves better, but mandating equal pay isn't the answer. It's the same reason female models are paid more than male models. The U.S. women's national soccer team just won the World Cup championship while the U.S. men's soccer team failed to even qualify for the men's World Cup last year. The USA women’s soccer team—now three-time winners of the Women’s World Cup—made headlines this time around not just for their brilliant performance, but also for what their victory brought to light: the gender pay gap.. The underlying reasons male and female athletes are paid differently are the same as the reasons female models are paid more than male models. So Do Female College Athletes. Four reasons why it takes women 10 more years to earn a man's pay. ... they are not treated like elite athletes. According to the research conducted by BBC, "a total of 83% of sports now reward men and women equally". Even in tennis, though, the notion of equal pay … In sports like tennis, women do as well as men in generating revenue equal or better than men, so they should be paid equally or better than men. By Fiona Zublin. Demanding equal pay when they are not performing an equal amount of work, simply in … “The issue of equal [pay] goes way beyond one element of broadcast agreements,” the C.E.O. Because male athletes bring in much more money than female athletes, in general. Consider this: 42 percent of women are their families’ sole or primary source of income and women contribute 43 percent of the gross national product. Women will choose to have children and this will take a significant amount of time off of their work and that is one of the major reasons why women do not deserve equal pay as men. April 2 – Equal Pay Day – marks the day U.S. women have finally earned the same amount of money as the average man did in 2018. There is an economic reason as to the logic behind why women should get paid the same as men. Female athletes have trouble receiving equal pay when compared to men and getting sponsorship deals, making it difficult for them to stand out in their sport. While some attribute the pay gap to women choosing flexible hours, engaging in more part-time work, leaving to care for children, or taking on other caregiving responsibilities, other studies show gender bias in hiring and salary still exist. People pay money, attention ( TV ), and buy products that support the female model market, and not as many do to support the male model market. Yep, you read correctly. But here's the kicker: this should be the case even though male sporting teams generate more revenue than female. Some sports, like tennis, are more equal, but in general, most are not. Men are more likely to work in “strategic” sectors of the economy. Women earn 82 cents for every dollar men earn. The first myth is that women don’t deserve equal pay because (take your pick) they don’t work as hard, as long, as productively, or face work environments that are as difficult or dangerous. But on a fundamental economic level, it is wrong, and the disparities we see between athletes’ salaries illustrate why. Why Soccer Should Pay Women’s Players Equally, Regardless Of Revenue. When coaches go to recruit new athletes for their college teams, women’s sports only get 33% of the budget to recruit. Basically, women don't deserve equal pay in sports. why there's a wide discrepancy in the wages. Sports have long mirrored society, and the gender pay gap has persisted in athletics just as it has in the professional realm. How would it feel to work just as hard as your neighbor and maybe even harder and never get the same reward? When we talk of gender inequality in sport, we tend to focus on the gender pay gap. The call to equal pay is one women in soccer have heard often since the U.S. Women’s National Team (USWNT) won the World Cup this summer. Pay her markedly less than men who actually show up to work on time every day. Globally, 25 out of 35 major sports pay equal prize money to men and women, found a BBC survey in 2014. I’m really tired of hearing that men are just more athletic than women. VICTOR JOECKS: WNBA players don’t deserve NBA pay. The pay gap between men and women has long been discussed and has been a sad fact of life ever since women entered the workforce. The courage demonstrated by the U.S. women’s soccer team’s fight for equal pay is just one example of how powerful collective action can be when it … Currently, a woman, on average, makes 78 cents for every dollar a man makes. So let's take a look at the reasons why professional female athletes don’t deserve equal pay. March 8 marks International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Women don't want to put as much effort as men into a job. It is 100% pure from concentrate economics. The team was awarded $2 million for their first place finish. Women should get the same pay as men because they work just as hard they as men do. Sports have long mirrored society, and the gender pay gap has persisted in athletics just as it has in the professional realm. “In tennis, the earnings at the major events are now equal,” Fisher said. Frank de Boer says equal gender pay in football is 'ridiculous' ‘If it’s just as popular as the men, they will get it, because the income and the advertising will go into that. US Women's team file equal pay lawsuit; ... "It is not just about receiving equal pay, but equal working conditions, travel, training pitches. The Fight for Equal Pay in Women’s Sports. 2. Here are a few more reasons why female tennis players should receive equal pay: 1. Published on April 2nd, 2019. Career 10 Reasons Why Women Deserve To Be Paid The Same (Or More!) Like. Yet the most lucrative sports remain far away from equalising renumeration. This conclusion, though, assumes that avoiding discrimination is the only ethical reason that could support equal pay for women’s footballers. With this clarification in mind, the main weakness of the feminist argument for "equal pay" in sports is their hypocritical contradiction between their ideological ("socially constructed") belief that women and men have the "same" physical abilities (so as to suggest that women deserve "equal pay," so the feminist story goes) and their stubborn refusal to end the segregation in sports and to compete against men … In 2019, the average annual income for a US household was $89,930. The chant was inspired by a long and public campaign by U.S. team members to be paid the same rate as their male … Yes they should get paid the same. But all around the world, despite progress and protests and legislation, there is a persistent gap between what men and women are paid. Published on April 2nd, 2019. However, the male athletes serving the national team are disproportionally paid more, according to lawyers representing the group of female players. So, here’s why women who earn less than men should be getting equal pay. But there’s a reason sports are segregated. 2. In 2013, men 16 years and older worked an average of 40.8 hours per week. That’s one of the reasons why maybe we should get awarded more.” The row came after Raymond Moore, head of the Indian Wells Masters, suggested women players ride on the coat-tails of men. Two years after they began a public fight for equal pay… Credit: Corbis Images. In some recent good news, Cricket Australia’s new pay deal for women will see its top female players become the highest paid team sports athletes in Australia, earning more than A$100,000 a year. That argument is outdated and sexist. For the USWNT it's simple; equal play, equal pay. They have a period every month. Equal pay. Equal pay fixes one cog in this cycle of inequity, with ripple effects: the more female athletes are paid on-par with their male counterparts, the more women’s sport is seen as a viable and acceptable option for women, the more interest there is in women’s sport, the more investment in resources, infrastructure, and marketing for women’s sport, the more access to women’s sport grows, the more competitive the women’s field becomes, the more commercial opportunities for revenue, … Aside from that, it was concluded that the women’s teams also brought in “millions” of dollars in revenue, $23 million more than men, for that year. Looking at a pure equality view of this then yes, same pay same job. Men work more hours than women. April 12 marks Equal Pay Day, the day on which American women finally catch up to men’s earning for the previous year. Women athletes at the highest levels of play, like tennis superstars Venus and Serena Williams, generally make much less money than their cis male counterparts. It has a damning ripple effect: Without airtime, female athletes lose out on … In a video posted by SportBible of Megan Rapinoe, you can hear at the start of the video that the fans in the crowd are chanting for equal pay and then she goes on to say, “I think everybody is ready for it, everybody wants it”. They did. One of the most common responses to the argument for equal pay for female athletes is that they would only deserve it if they got equal ratings to the men’s games. The reason men soccer players make more money than female soccer players is because more people would rather watch men’s soccer than women’s … of the Women’s Tennis Association, Steve Simon, … Many people cite the fact that female athletes get paid less due to the fact that men’s sports generate more spectators, and therefore more revenue for the owner. Equal pay." God ‏‏‎. Not only should women receive fair pay because they deserve it, but because it would be good for the U.S. economy. Speed read. Six Reasons Why Equal Pay Is Still Important January 15, 2009, 9:00 am Women in the United States still earn only 78 cents on the dollar compared to … There are different priorities in women and men. If you don't believe me, look at the Forbes list of highest-paid athletes and notice that Serena Williams, the highest women, is 51st. Once again disproved by my line from the 3 rd round, I agree with equal pay for equal work, but female athletes do subpar work as compared to men and therefore do not deserve equal pay! Women should be paid less than men because of their periods. It's a tough thing to swallow knowing that we sacrifice just as much, if not more. They claim, for example, that women … Reliatically no. Letter: Female athletes deserve equal pay. “We believe the inter-connected steps outlined in the report provide the pathway to gender equality and delivering equal pay in sport,” Ms Broderick said. They deserve to be able to play the game they love without needing to get a second job to pay the bills. On average, women do not receive equal pay for doing the same jobs men do. The fact that, on average, there is a 9.4% gap between what a woman earns compared to what a man earns, disgusts many. In 1881, Freidrich Engels wrote an article for the Labour Standard titled “A Fair Day's Wages for a Fair Day's Work.”You still hear the phrase today. Women make up 40% of all participants in sports—yet somehow receive only 4% of sports media coverage. It paints a picture of a misogynistic society. The team was awarded $2 million for their first place finish. Olympians are still not paid prize money by the Games, although most countries offer their medal winners prize money, and sums are equal for men and women. A different ethical reason in favor of equal pay is that this action would be valuable for what it would express about the value of women’s soccer. It Threatens the Future of Sports. And yet, the women … Its the opposite case in basketball due to men generating big money, so the pay is and should be more for men. Female footballers don't deserve to be paid as much as men. Fisher said athletes in Olympic sports such as figure skating, skiing and gymnastics also make about the same regardless of gender. Footballers are paid, not only for skill, but for views they bring in. The U.S. women’s national team shared $2 million for winning the 2015 World Cup, while the German men’s side earned $35 million when they won the tournament in 2014. July 14, 2019. Its unfair for one to get paid more than the other. It's astonishing to think that only 1 in 3 women worked in the 1950’s … To see that women play sports easily as hard as men, all you need to do is watch any women’s sporting event. Men earn 20 percent more than women on average, a difference that would require a female to work 10 more years to make up. Some of the most common arguments I hear are as follows: (1) men are better athletes and deserve to be paid more and (2) women aren’t as marketable as men. Sports are about pure talent and class, and women’s sports have an equal amount of talent and class as do men’s sports. Guess what, though. The gender wage gap represents the difference in pay women and men receive. In most sports, women earn significantly less than their male counterparts and that, even though professional athletes, regardless of their gender, put in the same amount of work. Equal pay means equal pay for the same amount of work under the same boss. When you look at high school, college, and professional sports, one thing is obvious: media coverage, funding, and attention are disproportionately given to men. Our society has always had this deep-seated belief that boys always perform better than girls in sports, hence the higher pay. While researching the differences in wages and respect of male athletes vs. women’s athletes, I found out a lot of proven facts why women deserve equality. An economist explains why women are paid less. 3 Reasons Why Professional Athletes Shouldn’t Be Paid So Much . This is a mistake. It sounds unarguable. Simply focusing on revenue ignores the sport’s sexist history. This figure questions the idea of gender equality in sport and more importantly whether sports competitions should be of equal pay to both male and female athletes. In some recent good news, Cricket Australia’s new pay deal for women will see its top female players become the highest paid team sports athletes in Australia, earning more than A$100,000 a year. #1.Women Have Families Too. The US women's football team is leading the fight for equal pay and leaving and setting an example for other teams around the world. What's happening: As the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team celebrated winning their second-straight World Cup with a 2-0 victory over the Netherlands, many members of the crowd in the arena in Lyon, France, began chanting "Equal pay. Male footballers are better known and thus get more from sponsors etc. Australia's top women soccer players will now earn the same as their male counterparts after a landmark deal Wednesday that aimed to close the gender pay … Sports fans are interested in the highest levels of performance, so the highest athletic prizes should go to the competitors who are strongest, fastest, most powerful or … Equal pay is a must, but female athletes also need equal time in the public eye. Gender pay gap in sports looks into the persistence of unequal pay in sports, particularly for female athletes who do not receive equal revenue compared to their counterparts, which differs depending on the sport. Again, all things being equal, if you work more, you get paid more. Serena Williams is the only female in the world’s 100 highest-paid athletes. Op-Ed: Women Athletes Deserve Equal Pay. Female professional athletes should be paid equal to their male counterparts. Today’s woman is a pain in the ass to deal when they’re body chemistry is in a … Sports. The reason we need to address it is that it demands attention and moreover, a solution. 11. Female tennis players work just as hard as men. International Women’s Day (March 8th in this year, 2015) has just passed, and one of the hottest topics was the gender pay gap. Yes and No. 1. The Fight for Equal Pay in Women’s Sports. Without needing to get paid more than male models even in tennis, the day on which women! Women less is that men are more equal, but in general, most are not reward! A handful of the budget to recruit broadcasting companies should take a chance and pay up to work “strategic”... Day, the practice of equal pay: 1 highest paid female athletes paid more than the other Wimbledon the! Is watch any women’s sporting event most are not should get the same ( Or more! of.... 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reasons why female athletes deserve equal pay 2021