video_label. The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Hesitantly. Compare Synonyms. hesitate about/over something When she hesitated over her order, the waiter gave her an impatient look. sputter. to say something in a high weak voice. 3 letter words; Fuss – make a big deal of something. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. Falter – speak hesitantly. stammer, stutter, stumble, speak haltingly, hesitate, pause, halt, splutter, flounder, blunder, fumble. While all these words mean "lacking the will or desire to do something indicated," hesitant implies a holding back especially through fear or uncertainty. speech impediment. (transitive, poetic, rare) To utter with hesitation or to intimate by a reluctant manner. Meet Grammar Coach. 1 synonym for hesitatingly: hesitantly. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the Spoke hesitantly crossword clue. Improve Your Writing. mumble. [more hesitant; most hesitant] : slow to act or speak especially because you are nervous or unsure about what to do : feeling or showing hesitation. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for SPEAK SCORNFULLY [scoff] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word scoff will help you to finish your crossword today. hesitantly: 1 adv with hesitation; in a hesitant manner “he finally accepted hesitantly ” Synonyms: hesitatingly Antonyms: unhesitatingly without hesitation Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. “Jack hesitantly followed her in and was greeted yet again by another awe-inspiring sight.” “Life is the only inspiration for Kundan Shah in an industry hesitant to accept his films.” To fail in distinctness or regularity of exercise. hesitant. Synonyms for hesitatingly in Free Thesaurus. more_vert. Topics Doubt, guessing and certainty c2 3 synonyms for hesitator: hesitater, vacillator, waverer. Compare Synonyms. View synonyms. ‘he faltered and finally stopped in mid-stride’. Riley Keough Is a Purveyor of Chaos in 'Zola'. ly adv. Falter definition, to hesitate or waver in action, purpose, intent, etc. Improve Your Writing. hesitancy. The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Learn more. Find 30 ways to say SHYLY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. a hesitant smile; the baby’s first few hesitant steps; It was a few seconds before she heard a hesitant reply. misgiving. She took a hesitant step back from the door. bleat. ENGL 300 - Lecture 2 - Introduction (cont.) Portuguese-speaking land. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. synonyms for nervously. People might struggle to find the right word, or say a wrong but rhyming word. authoritatively. in a way that is not immediate or quick because you are nervous or not certain: She approached the teacher hesitantly. Synonyms for hesitantly include shyly, carefully, falteringly, reluctantly, grudgingly, unwillingly, unenthusiastically, cautiously, warily and involuntarily. Synonyms for. To move or swing unsteadily. Daily Joke: Guests at a Funeral Offer to Say Words to the Widow. To be indecisive. hesitantly definition: 1. in a way that is not immediate or quick because you are nervous or not certain: 2. in a way…. restlessly. disinclined implies lack of taste for or inclination. [intransitive, transitive] to be slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous She hesitated before replying. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues. hesitantly pronunciation. If a particular answer is generating a lot of interest on the site today, it may be highlighted in orange. stutter. synonyms. Speak hesitantly. (intransitive) To stop or pause respecting decision or action; to be in suspense or uncertainty as to a determination. Synonym Discussion of hesitant. Synonyms for hesitatingly in Free Thesaurus. Compare Synonyms. Clump: walk heavily and/or clumsily 4. The synonyms have been arranged depending on the number of charachters so that they're easy to find. Hesitant definition, hesitating; undecided, doubtful, or disinclined. See more. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. In my desire to avoid that outcome, I tried reassuring my mother-in-law. Hesitant definition: If you are hesitant about doing something, you do not do it quickly or immediately ,... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Some common synonyms of hesitant are averse, disinclined, loath, and reluctant. verb. I'm (hesitantly) getting into beat for this verse form. Search over 14 million words and phrases in more than 490 language pairs. Synonyms: Lists. stutter ' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): break - falter - hesitate - impediment - lisp - splutter - sputter - stammer. Phrases Speak like a native Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages. To stutter while speaking. Find 47 ways to say HESITANT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Verb. ‘If she noticed this, she didn't falter and kept moving holding his hand tight.’. 3 letter words BOO - CUT - DIG - EAT - JAB - KID - RAG - RIB 4 letter words Understand to halt [am speak hesitatingly] meaning and … Try to find some letters, so you can find your solution more easily. diffident, doubtful, half-arsed, half-assed (U.S. & Canad. Foot it: depart or set off by walking 6. mistrust. Plain speaking. similar meaning. See more. Synonyms for hesitate include waver, vacillate, dither, falter, delay, stall, fluctuate, teeter, haver and stagger. 'HESITANT' is a 8 letter word starting with H and ending with T Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for HESITANT We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word hesitant will help you to finish your crossword today. # conclusive. Below is the UK transcription for 'hesitantly' : Modern IPA: hɛ́zətəntlɪj. irresolute. shyly. splutter. ; give way: Her courage did not falter at the prospect of hardship. State: a body of people composed of one or more nationalities usually with its own territory and government. Snarl: to speak sharply or irritably. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("cdo_dc", "english"); Information and translations of unhesitantly in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. coo. More example sentences. Footslog: walk through mud 7. Find another word for snarl. Antonyms for hesitantly. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Find another word for state. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for SATISFY We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word satisfy will help you to finish your crossword today. Goad – annoy/provoke. falter. 1 synonym for hesitantly: hesitatingly. Examples of hesitantly in a sentence, how to use it. To hesitate or be evasive when confronted with a problem. The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. ; hesitate about/over whether, how, etc… Spanish-speaking area of city - except for a Portuguese-speaking city. / ˈ hɛzətənt/. adjective. Hesitancy: a lack … absolutely. Move unsteadily or hesitantly. To speak hesitantly. 41 synonyms of state from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 160 related words, definitions, and antonyms. lacking readiness of speech. Paralanguage, or vocalics, is the vocal characteristics of a communication. Noun. adv. If your word has any anagrams, they'll be listed too along with a definition for the word if we have one. excitedly. What are synonyms for hesitator? Synonyms & Near Synonyms for hesitantly. Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a type of dementia that has often been called Pick’s disease. Perhaps her embarrassment had reached its limit, as my mother-in-law began to speak hesitantly. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Amble: walk easily and/or aimlessly 2. All of this may seem less if you are unable to learn exact pronunciation of Hesitantly, so we have embedded mp3 recording of native Englishman, simply click on speaker icon and listen how English speaking people pronounce Hesitantly. There were several guests at a funeral, and after a long day of being at the event, one man who was friends with the deceased decided to approach the wife to greet her and offer his condolence. You can leave the country, the house, or a job. Find more similar words at! hesitancy. 1. abruptly. Hesitantly removes tile from shack. Find another word for hesitancy. 4. I'm (hesitantly) getting into beat for this verse form. With Reverso you can find the English translation, definition or synonym for hesitantly and thousands of other words. You don’t deserve ‘I love you’. To leave is to go away or exit. More synonyms. pause. doubt. indecision. People might struggle to find the right word, or say a wrong but rhyming word. unsure. Antonyms for hesitatingly. hesitantly definition: 1. in a way that is not immediate or quick because you are nervous or not certain: 2. in a way…. These speakers are usually very talkative even in their own mother tongue, and, although they make more mistakes than over-monitor users, they Helen Adams Keller (June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968) was a deafblind American author, activist and lecturer. impediment. political event that's all talk, talk, talk? Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. the good news, hesitantly reported - i don't do drugs — Puzzles Crossword Clue We have found 1 Answer (s) for the Clue „the good news, hesitantly reported - i don't do drugs“. Antonyms for hesitatingly. ‘She smiled hesitantly and took another small step forward.’. speech defect. People can speak fluently, but their words make no sense together (even though they’re in the right grammatical order). “Please just let me speak…” Hesitantly you nodded, pushing away the ramen you bought to focus on your boyfriend. (2) Under-monitor users, the other extreme, i.e., speakers who do not really care about correctness, only meaning. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the speak hesitantly crossword clue. 1 synonym for hesitatingly: hesitantly. Synonyms for Hesitantly. hesitate. Antonyms for hesitator. Groan – talk with complaining intonation. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a … ‘a young guard hesitantly stepped into the room’. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the speak hesitantly crossword clue. The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. That wasn’t good. adverb. hesitantly | definition: with hesitation; in a hesitant manner | synonyms: hesitatingly| antonyms: unhesitatingly 'The Devil Wears Prada' and the "Big Break" Myth. I remember a group of adult pre-intermediate students, all of whom had previously studied at least 6 years of English. Talk, talk, talk. Hesitantly removes tile from shack. to halt [am speak hesitatingly] synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'halt',halting',harlot',health', definition. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief … They had little difficulty with the grammar exercises or the vocabulary. Traditional IPA: ˈhezətəntliː. You can complete the translation of hesitantly given by the English-German Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, … You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Hesitantly. ; hesitate about/over doing something I didn't hesitate for a moment about taking the job. What are synonyms for hesitatingly? Grumble – complain lowly. Loath vs. Loathe Synonym Discussion of loath. hesitantly. uncertain. Talk and talk and talk. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Hesitantly. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary When you begin to speak English, it's essential to get used to the common sounds of the language, and the best way to do this is to check out the phonetics. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. What are synonyms for hesitantly? American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. slang) half-hearted, halting, hanging back, hesitating, irresolute, lacking confidence, reluctant, sceptical, shy, timid, uncertain, unsure, vacillating, wavering. stammer. Choose the Right Synonym for hesitant disinclined , hesitant , reluctant , loath , averse mean lacking the will or desire to do something indicated. She confirmed the rumor, hesitantly. When speaking fairly quickly even the Thais routinely don't pronounce each and every tone, as there's simply not enough time to do so. Synonyms for Hesitatingly (other words and phrases for Hesitatingly). categorically. equivocation. Translation for: 'behave hesitantly or speak vaguely, move stealthily, move cautiously, sneak quietly' in English->English dictionary. opposite meaning. Synonyms for hesitator in Free Thesaurus. Try to avoid speaking slowly and hesitantly, as this will distort the tone on the word and make you much more difficult to understand than if you spoke confidently. More example sentences. He seemed to hesitate a second. Other names used for FTD include: In FTD, the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain are affected and atrophy (shrink) in size. (intransitive) To stammer; to falter in speaking. How to use loath in a sentence. Learner's definition of HESITANT. carefully. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the Speaks hesitantly (8) crossword clue. Students speak hesitantly and generally unclearly; use a limited range of language often incorrectly; handle ideas with difficulty and with restricted interaction; demonstrate a fairly limited understanding of the meaning and purpose of written texts; have difficulties with … They include pitch, rate, volume, tone, intonation pattern, vocal variety, articulation, rhythm, resonance, fillers (such as “um,” “uh,” “well,” “like” and “so”) quality of breathing, word emphasis, pausing, … storage: { 32 synonyms and near synonyms of hesitantly from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 10 antonyms and near antonyms. reluctant definition: 1. not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it: 2. not willing to do something and…. Be insecure or about to fail. hesitantly definition in English dictionary, hesitantly meaning, synonyms, see also 'hesitant',hesitatingly',hesitancy',hesitate'. Gimp: see limp 8. Loath definition is - unwilling to do something contrary to one's ways of thinking : reluctant. He seems hesitant about accepting the job. apprehensively. To walk clumsily or fall over. Find 13 ways to say HESITATINGLY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Falter: walk unsteadily 5. English As regards the income gap between the sexes, in some Member States, this is closing extremely hesitantly, whereas in others it is even widening again. 25 examples: On the basis of the articles contained in this issue, one may hesitantly… Synonyms: stammer , waver, speech impediment, hesitation , stammering, wavering, stuttering. ' 3. hesitant about asking for a date … Getting students to speak in class may be the most difficult task many teachers face. But they can otherwise speak fluently, albeit hesitantly. stammer. ‘he speaks hesitantly and his voice is shaky’. But they can otherwise speak fluently, albeit hesitantly. hesitatingly, incredulously, questioningly, quizzically, unbelievingly. Unengaging speaking voice. 17 synonyms of hesitancy from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 49 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Finally, the semantic variant is a problem with understanding words. verb. synonyms for hesitantly. 1.2. askance. He spoke hesitantly… Meet Grammar Coach. falteringly. To suddenly spring or flinch back in fear, horror, or disgust. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues. hesitant about something She's hesitant about signing the contract. to speak in a soft and gentle way, especially when saying nice things. I speak hesitantly because I know what soldiers experience allows them to say things that I cannot. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. all of a sudden. 2 letter words DO - GO 3 letter words FEE - FIX - … 4 syllables : "HEZ" + "uh" + "tuhnt" + "lee". Omitted in speaking. -. # conclusive. Learn more. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Such speakers are sure to speak hesitantly and with no fluency. Another way to say Hesitatingly? Chapter 1. skeptical. Love to take speed and talk and talk and talk! antonyms. synonyms for hesitating. "I'm afraid ," he says hesitantly, "I forgot that today is our anniversary ." Learn more. It encompasses a group of disorders that affect behavior, emotions, communication, and cognition. In a tentative or unsure manner. if you speak or move haltingly, you stop and start often, especially because you are not certain or are not very confident synonym hesitantly ‘Well…’ she began haltingly. Introduction to Theory of Literature. Synonyms for hesitantly in Free Thesaurus. Keller was born at an estate called Ivy Green in Tuscumbia, Alabama, on June 27, 1880, to parents Captain Arthur H. Keller and Kate Adams Keller. I speak hesitantly because I feel some obligation to honor the sacrifices that war inflicts upon the men and women who wage it, even if I myself am deeply torn about the morality of the wars we too often wage. adv. Definition of hesitantly adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Hold to adjust. 16 synonyms of snarl from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 43 related words, definitions, and antonyms. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. 1. hesitant to do something Doctors are hesitant to comment on the new treatment. French-speaking locale. If she decided to say, “It’s nothing, after all,” after getting so worked up, I was afraid I’d explode. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues. 2. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for HESITANT SOUND [hem] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word hem will help you to finish your crossword today. That’s not how much I feel. What are synonyms for hesitatingly? Grunt – short guttural sound. Bounce: walk energetically 3. hesitantly; hesitate; hesitating; hesitation; heterodox; heterogeneous; heterosexual; hew; hey; heyday; hiatus; Settings: Click on word: How to say hesitantly. Forward – make a suggestion/ pass a message on. All of this may seem less if you are unable to learn exact pronunciation of Hesitantly, so we have embedded mp3 recording of native Englishman, simply click on speaker icon and listen how English speaking people pronounce Hesitantly. Frequently Asked Questions About hesitant How is the word hesitant different from other adjectives like it? Some common synonyms of hesitant are averse, disinclined, loath, and reluctant. While all these words mean "lacking the will or desire to do something indicated," hesitant implies a holding back especially through fear or uncertainty. Growl – talk aggressively low/threateningly. English Language Learners Definition of hesitant : slow to act or speak especially because you are nervous or unsure about what to do : feeling or showing hesitation See the full definition for hesitant in the English Language Learners Dictionary Marc Jacobs Is Back With a Jolt to the System. Compare Synonyms. hesitating; undecided, doubtful, or disinclined. hesitant. A tendency to stammer, or an impediment that causes one to stammer. Talk, talk, talk: Var. When you walk the walk, talk the talk: Replace the flat-footed verb walk with a more sprightly synonym from this list:. anxiously. synonyms for hesitation. Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Giggle – laugh childishly. (also askant), Antonyms. “I am in love with you.” “Joong-” “I don’t want to say ‘I love you’, because that’s not enough. Learn more. stutter. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Doctors evaluate how fluently people speak, whether starting to speak is difficult, and whether people have difficulty finding words, naming objects, or repeating phrases. slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain, embarrassed or unwilling . Aphasia is a language disorder, indicating a brain problem that affects comprehension, thought, and word finding. Speak hesitantly. Embarrassed or unwilling word if we have one, especially when saying nice.. Asked Questions about hesitant how is the UK transcription for 'hesitantly ': IPA. Or uncertainty as to a determination and cognition site today, it may highlighted. Words from our Thesaurus that you can also find multiple synonyms or similar from... 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speak hesitantly synonym 2021